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Free Mockup & Quote Request form 

Please complete the following form in its' entirety to receive your custom uniform or apparel mock up. Be sure to select the appropriate items needed and your mock up will be delivered within 1-2 business days.

Uniform Style


  • I, the undersigned do hereby consent and that Impano Sports Apparel has provided my organization (stated above) with custom designs for consideration to provide team uniforms and apparel. I, the undersigned do hereby agree not to share these designs provided by Impano Sports Apparel with another company that competes with Impano Sports Apparel for the production and manufacturing of team uniforms. I, the undersigned do hereby agree not to use these exact designs a (1) variation of these designs, or components of these designs if I so choose to use another company for the production and manufacturing of my organizations team uniforms and apparel. If I do use these exact designs, variations of these designs, or components of these designs I understand that Impano Sports Apparel has the right to take legal action for damages against myself and or the organization that I represent. (1) Variation meaning using components of the designs, for example using the jersey design and pairing it a different pair of pants designed by another company. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this disclosure form.

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